About Us
Located in the foothills of Central Maine, the LaCourse Family Farm, home of The Maine Potato Lady™, has been in operation for more than 25 years. Our 100-acre piece was once part of a 560-acre farm that dates back to the 1600s.
Our custom-designed and hand-built home crowns our hill-top farm, which slopes up from a stream valley a mile down an unpaved country road. The stream feeds the cedar bog which provided the logs for our home. We gathered stones from field edges and milled our own lumber to finish the building, which has sheltered our family for many years. We are pleased to live “off the grid,” with a solar system to provide electricity. Our south-facing fields are rich with fertile, well-drained silt loam. Our sugar bush produces fabulous maple syrup, and the cedar bog is a special habitat with sphagnum moss and rare pitcher plants. We are privileged to work in this rural environment, where deer, moose, turkey, ravens, eagles and a variety of beautiful trees, plants, and birds are all around us.
As a family, we have produced all our own vegetables for many years. Each member of the family is involved in the planning, the everyday work, the decisions, and the rewards. Each one of us is an integral part of this farm; everyone’s participation makes it all possible and brings joy to all we do.
Please see About Our Certified Seed If you have questions or suggestions, please call or write. Your ideas and experiences are always of interest. Revel in the beauty and fruitfulness of our earth.

The LaCourse family:
Roseanna, Paul, Alison, Lucien
with Billie Jean and Lucy